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Dr. Imershein is Clinical Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology at the George Washington University School of Medicine. On the faculty since 1984, she teaches the medical student curriculum on induced and spontaneous abortion and ectopic pregnancy.  Dr. Imershein serves as Faculty Advisor to the GWU Student Chapters of Medical Students for Choice (MSFC) and the American Medical Women's Association (AMWA). As an Adjunct Professor at the GWU SPH in 2015 and 2016 Dr. Imershein taught a graduate MPH course: Reproductive Health: US & Global Perspectives. 


Dr. Imershein is an experienced lecturer for learners at all levels, including student, professional and community groups. She is available to speak on many topics in women’s reproductive health including: Abortion in America- Patients, Procedures, Providers & Politics; pregnancy prevention/family planning/contraception. Abortion Rights & Access- a history of Reproductive Rights, Jewish Law and abortion through the ages – and other topics in women’s health including menopause, gynecologic cancer screening and diagnosis, sexually transmitted infections. Dr. Imershein has studied Torah & Talmud and lectures on abortion based on Jewish Law & teachings.

College Students in Classroom

Sara Imershein, MD MPH FACOG Board Certified in Obstetrics & Gynecology focusing on

Family Planning and Women's Health Advocacy in Washington DC


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